Upcoming change to our certification fee
In order to keep up with inflation and to maintain our high-quality service, a five percent increase will go into effect for brands, retailers, processors, manufacturers and traders as of 1 January, 2023.
We are well aware of the difficulties which businesses, organisations and farmers around the world are currently facing due to the steep rise in costs. FLOCERT has also been experiencing the impact of higher costs since we last raised our fees nearly three years ago, and so far, we managed to avoid increasing them by making our operations leaner and more efficient. Due to the continued pressure and rising prices globally, we are no longer able to avoid adjusting our certification fee while upholding the high level of quality and robustness of our assurance work – the backbone of the credibility for the Fairtrade Mark.
Being a certified Social Enterprise, we are not collecting our fees for the sake of making profits, but to cover the cost of running and further developing Fairtrade certification and giving you the best customer service. In order to keep up with inflation and to maintain our high-quality service, a five percent increase will go into effect for brands, retailers, processors, manufacturers, and traders as of 1 January, 2023. The increase of five percent is still significantly lower than the inflation in most countries we operate, underpinning our commitment to provide you with most value.
In line with Fairtrade’s mission of supporting and empowering producers, the fee for producers will not change.
If you have any questions please contact us at comms@flocert2023.brightminded.com.
A three-party relationship – the …