
If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! We’ll keep you in the know!

With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).

Learn about the wor(l)ds of Fair Trade below!

Navigate the glossary by letter


An accusation, made by a third party, against a Fairtrade-certified organisation, claiming that this organisation violated the Fairtrade Standards, FLOCERT policies, or other contractual obligations with Fairtrade International/FLOCERT.

Such an allegation can be filed by any party, including but not limited to: a Fairtrade organisation, a non-governmental organisation (NGO), a labour union, a worker, or a member of the public. Find out more about FLOCERT’s allegation procedures.